Yeye2023 says...
Oh my... You are stunning. Gorgeous. And you radiate warmth and soul. There are so many beautiful folios on this site. But this one is my absolute favourite. You captured yourself in so many ways, from sweet to super sexy (powerful in #21, the facial expressions in #58 and #167 and - my God... - your belly in #54). Please embrace every bit of that body you are blessed with. I hope many women get inspired and can embrace their beauty. Beauty (and sexiness!!!) does indeed come in all shapes & sizes. Also: I had never listened to "Hotter than July". I randomly put on "Master Blaster" while being amazed by your pictures. What a song. Sorry, Stevie - whenever I will be listening to this song, I'll have this beautiful artist from Sydney in my head. Thank you, Zoe. And love yourself. Make sure to dance to "Master Blaster" nude in front of the mirror next time and enjoy shaking what nature gave you! "You may as well believe what you are feelin' because you feel your body jammin'"!
6:52PM Oct 2nd 2023
Redbird says...
Ooh congrats on the art prize win Zoe!! Your shoot is so warm and cosy. I adore the use of shadow and light here. Such a gorgeous folio. Thank you so much! xo
11:00PM Jul 5th 2023
ocelot says...
Great set Zoe, you are quite the pocket rocket! In a great contribution I really like images #157, #161 and #258. You have the most amazing boobs and the cutest little sparkly smile. Thank you so much sharing.
1:44AM Jun 26th 2023